Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Les meves ex i tu" - Els Amics de les Arts

Song: Les meves ex i tu
Artist: Els Amics de les Arts
Album: Bed & Breakfast (2009)

"My Exes and You"

Let me think,
how can I say this to you, let me think.
We need to talk,
let's get coffee, we need to talk.
I have to explain to you
that an American study
has found
that love only lasts so long.
And for those who likes statistics,
it says that 100% of this mysticism
ends up evaporating.
My exes and you
have so much in common
that, thinking about it frankly,
there is no difference between you,
and, thinking about it frankly,
maybe you'd all get along well,
you all provoke the same reaction in me.
Don't cry.
I'm doing it for you,
let it be clear that I'm doing it
for you.
Always for you.
Now I'll feel really crappy,
difficult days are coming,
but, well, I'll recover.
You, look for someone who understands,
I'll look for someone understandable,
and surely it won't be so bad for us.
My exes and you
have so much in common
that, thinking about it frankly,
there is no difference between you,
and, thinking about it frankly,
you all provoke the same reaction in me.
You live in lolli-land.
My exes and you,
maybe you'd all get along well,
or super well.

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